Wednesday, January 20, 2010

More on the BuBBLes

To Make the bubbles just follow these steps.

All it is: 2 circles, feather, 3 bananas, and 4 highlights

1. Make a circle and color it purple.
2. Duplicate the circle (control c, control v), lighten the color, and shrink it a bit
3. feather it at .64 (effect, stylize, feather)
4. place the small circle over the other circle
5. make three “bananas” with the pen tool. Fade one from white to purple, fade another from purple to white, and color the third one the same purple as the first circle. Remember the pen tool! Click a node holding the alt button so you can "start" a new line.
6. make four highlights (rounded squares) with the pen tool and use the gradient tool to fill them.
7. group all of the pieces together so they move as a single unit.
8. When creating another bubble, play with the color scheme: Edit, Edit Colors, recolor artwork. Then play with it.
9. copy several times.

This is an art and not a science...but just because the project doesn't look excellent does not mean you should not strive for excellence.

Once again, Mr. Warren was on x-box live until 4am. He kept on saying "just until the sun comes up..." His log in is Longhornfan22222, so look for him.